T3 Direct
Albert Dadesho T3 direct did not honor their contract and continues to be hostile

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T3 direct did not fulfill their contract with us. They made excuse after excuse. They never hold themselves accountable. They blame competitors, bad clients and others for the bad reviews. How about being accountable? How about working out your problems and not threatening with lawsuits?

I read the complaints from others who have dealt with t3 direct. Then I read t3 directs response. Sounds like a typical response from a company in trouble. Keep blaming your customers for your failures. You cannot accept that your company has cheated many people out of their money. You have bogus guarantees and claims on your website. You have create fake positive reviews for your company. I looked up a lot of the positive reviews for t3 direct and the people either don't exist or their only occurrence is on a t3 direct positive review. Other people have figured this out too. You can keep lying and lying, but the truth is out there about your company. Why did rick in columbus use a different name or city? Maybe because he wants to be anonymous. When you threaten to sue everyone you show how poorly run your company really is. A good company doesn't sue its customers, it works things out. You try to say that maybe rick in columbus is a poor salesman and maybe he is. But why did you accept his money and keep selling to him then? I'm
here in california and got bad service from t3 direct. Are you going to sue me?

Bring it on! Check out the other complaints people who have figured this out. And before you go about insulting people jut remember that your company is in modesto calif, the armpit of ca. Well, that's wrong because that's an insult to
armpits. Don't call out other people when your house if a mess.

MaxBaJoined 1 year ago1.0March 16I WILL NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH THESE GUYS AGAIN. I paid over 1200 dollars for 6 appointments, and 4 of them fell through. They still have not replaced the other 4 appointments. They said I did actually go to the appointment, and that once I see it online in there portal, it is final, basically they accused me of getting the info then once I got the lead info, they accused me of acting like it fell through. They are dirty and don't play
fair. So I got stuck paying 1200 dollars for 2 appointments, with companies that were not even within the guidelines I wanted them to be in.

I was looking at recent reviews of T3 direct and I wanted to get in contact with JMS INS Company

By Jimmyz wcins at

I found out that the user name Jimmyz wcins is based out of Modesto, CA the same city where T3 Direct is located. Yet there is no JMS insurance in Modesto, CA, JMS insurance is located in Walkerton, IN.

T3 is creating fake good reviews on various websites around the web. They specialize in Search Engine Optimization. So they made sure when you do a search you find the good reviews made from fake companies and fake accounts. To cover up the bad reviews that are from real people and real companies.

Beware before doing business with these people. If they can write fake good reviews about themselves. What does that tell you?

How long has this company been in business? And all of a sudden in the last 2 months they have all these reviews? Seems kinda fishy.

Also andrew357 says he is from chicago on his comment, that gives t3 direct a good review. But if you look at
andrew357's profile it says he is from modesto, CA the same city where t3 direct is located.

What a shame, t3 d
irect coming up with fake reviews to deceive possible clients.

Take it from someone who has been burned, dont do business with these guys.

Company: T3 Direct
Country: USA
State: California
City: Modesto
Address: 4660 Spyres Way #1, Modesto, CA. 95356
Phone: 8667317717
Site: t3directusa.co
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