Sam Haymart Steedshop & Sam Haymart The perfect SCAM!

Cars & Transport

Steedshop & Sam Haymart The perfect SCAM!!!
Do not buy from this company!
They have their business set up to scam you out of money.
Here is how it works.
You order items from their web site. Prepay for them and shipping too. Your card is charged at time of order. You then wait for delivery. Items don't arrive, you try calling on the phone but that's a waste, voice mail only and calls are NEVER returned. You then email and hope they respond. You will get all kinds of excuses, special order, out of stock, waiting for items from supplier, items on back order, all not their fault. You may or may not get some of what you ordered either way at some point Steedshop will stop responding to you. They will keep All your money and ignore you forever! Now when you try to get your money back by filing a dispute with your credit card company, you will get an email from Sam Haymart (owner) advising that if you do not cancel your dispute you will be billed 15% of your purchase plus $20 charge back fee and failure to pay within 30 days will result in additional legal fees and will be sent to a collections agency. Yup it's right in their store policy!!! That will be pointed out many times to you by Haymart! Heymart says he can not do anything unless you cancel the dispute. He will be very persistent that you cancel your dispute or as he calls it "charge back" Now be aware if you do cancel the dispute it CAN NOT be reopened (check with your CC company Discover won't reopen theirs) so you have no way to get your money back except to deal with Haymart. DON'T DO IT! I am sure Haymart knows this, you will again get ignored never get what you paid for and be out all your money!!!
Or as Heymart put it to me!!!"ALL HIS MONEY" YES HE DID!!!
I spent $245 bucks and got a $20 T-shirt 5 weeks later. I gave them 7 additional weeks to send the rest. Nothing, when I tried contacting Steedshop I received no answer phone or email. Not until I filed a credit card dispute did Haymart respond with his demands! I responded asking for refund or delivery estimate and was ignored again. I refused to cancel my dispute!!! I advise Heymart I am making a complaint with the Arizona Attorney General. Now all of a sudden he hears me but he will only talk about a refund if I cancel the discover dispute. I know if I do he will keep all my money and I can't re-file the dispute. I refuse so just before my credit card company finishes the investigation Haymart authorized the debit back to my account a refund I call it. He does this to avoid the charge back fee he has to pay as well as save a black mark on his bank report. A few days later I get the bill for the 15% fee and the $20 buck charge back fee. Of coarse if not paid within 30 days collection and legal fees apply God only knows what that will be!!!

I am making a complaint with the Arizona Attorney Generals Office. I suggest all other victims of Steedshop and Sam Haymart do so too!!! There is a simple on-line form.
This scam needs to be stopped!!!

Company: Steedshop
Country: USA
Address: 6641 S Kings Ranch Rd Bld 5 un 116 Gold Canyon AZ
Phone: 4806261289
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Sam Haymart Consumer Fraud Internet

SteedShop takes orders on-line but will not ship goods, cancelation and restocking fees keep business going
Steedshop SCAM! They take your money and run!
Do not ever buy anything from

Stay away!

Took money and never delivered product Internet
Steedpublications never buy from the website total scam your item will not ship
Purchased an item that arrived almost a month later broken, I asked for a refund and shipping return envelope, after a week of nothing and an approaching deadline with paypal, I filed a complaint

Rip-off scam dirt bags USA Internet Kayla Dinardo
She is selling products she doesnt have in stock, charging you and then stringing you along long enough so that you cant dispute the charges w/cc Ripoff