Sam Walcott
Bishop Scott, Jessica Shears Expressed interest in buying an item I advertised on Craigs List. London

Cars & Transport

Sam Winscott contacted me via email with interest in a automotive distributor that I listed on Craigs list. Offered more then the listed price if I would unlist the item right away. I responded that I would to make the sale.
Sam emailed me two days later saying that the check had been mailed, but an error had been made in the amount of the check. Requested that I could send him the overage by Western Union after I cashed it. I received the bank check drawn on a credit union in Dallas TX in a few days. The check was written for three times the amount of the asking price.
At this time I knew that this was a scam. I reported it to my local police Department. They assigned a case number but expressed no other interest. I phoned the credit union that the check was drawn on. They asked if it was a "bank check' and if so was phony. They expressed no interest in follow up. My local bank did send a copy of the check to their fraud department just to do it.
I also filed a report to iC 3 which is a federal cybor crime agency.
I have a lot of free time, so I had fun playing Sam for four weeks. He emailed, phoned, and text me many times looking for his money. Over 50 pieces of correspondence. I had a good time giving him creative the end I sent the two case numbers as Western Union transfer numbers. He called within an hour, and when I told him what the numbers were he hung up rather fast. Didn't even say good by. It would seem if crimes like this are prosecuted they would not be as common. No one cares about the little person. If I had cashed the check, I would have been arrested.

Company: Sam Walcott
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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John M. Carosiello
Offered $20 more than asking for a craigs list item, sent bogas check for $2000 extra wanted me to "western union extra funds" back to him. Would have his "mover" pick up the item

No Company, Mary Richard and Jillian Roman, Scam
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Western Union
Money transfe

Front Line Focus
Carol Meyrowits sent me fraudulant checks and owe me $950 Internet

Anthony Dunglas/Angela Beavers
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FCI Construction
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Lawson Travis
Nothing but a scam artist!

The Allergy Center, 1416 Clovis Ave Suite 214, Clovis, Ca 93612
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