Anthony Dunglas/Angela Beavers
Consumer Report


I had put an add on craigs list and recieved an offer to clean and take care of this persons sister. I recieved a so called certified check via usps and was instructed to deposit my payment and send the rest via western union for the morgage company. When i cashed the check at my bank i assumed it was a real check for my bank cashed it and gave me the money so i did as instructed and sent the money not being aware it was a scam. I recieved a phone call the next day from my bank saying the check was a fake and i was now over drawn by 3000.00. I emailed the jerk who scammed me out of not only said fees but overdraft in my account and he replied thanking me for paying his school fees.

Company: Anthony Dunglas/Angela Beavers
Country: USA
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Adams and Eves LByers Plastics
Consumer Report

Ripoff Wants Me To Pay Them Back Money That Was Send To Me And I Don't Have An Account With Them And They Said I Did
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Ripoff bank goes against it's own policies, gives runaround and you get ripped off

City Financial
Consumer Report

Union Bank Of California
Fee Factory

Craft Central
Consumer Report

Holiday Temporary Services, Inc
I received a check for 3970.00, deposited into my bank account, withdrew 3420.00 and returned to agent thru western union, they stopped payment on check., I have to repay bank this money. Cant contact them, phones disconencted

Compass Bank
NSF Fees, Rip Off, Charged 10 NSF charges