Nuvell Financial Services
Ripoff abusive degrading shitbox of a company

Cars & Transport

Nuvell... A joke of a company.

Nuvell... A joke of a business.

Back last year, my mother-in-law had given me her car since she was going to a nursing home and I agreed to make her payments for her. I did until in got a couple of months behind (being that February is a short month and my taxes were due)... So along comes the bully-boy collector call.

This jackass would not even say his name, and I explained that my mother-in-law was being admitted to a nursing home and this same bastard had the audacity to say "we'll check her assets and get the money." I told him to go ahead and I'd sue him and his lowlife company if they did.

Two days later I got a call back from this same jackoff who said "we know about her retirement check. We know about her social security funds. Give us her money." I brought my wife in on the call and she said to this sleazeball that we were seeking legal action against Nuvell for threatening to take money that was not entitled to them. Then this jackass laughs and starts blowing smoke..."we'll garnish your husband's wages as we verified his employment" (this man did not even have my name or where I worked) and "we'll sue you in court. You better have a good attorney." I then told this joker to go screw himself and he thought he was Mr Comedian of the Year by saying "at least I can afford my car payments." as I hung up on him.

I called back the next day and asked to speak to a supervisor about their collection tactics. No result. All he cared about was the past-due money owed. After 30 minutes of nothing but collections bullshit, I said to that I'll just leave the car in their parking lot. That I did... And I got my revenge. I slashed all four tires, kicked in the headlights and tail lights, even drained the oil and gas. So what were they going to do now?

Whatever YOU do, do NOT answer any calls from Nuvell in Jacksonville, Florida. Unprofessional, demeaning, arrogant assholes... Lower than bee spit.

Company: Nuvell Financial Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: St Augustine Rd Or Thereabouts
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