Traveler's Ins
Elizabeth Hamilto stated travelers ins will handle all expenses being I was the victim by there drive

Cars & Transport

The event that has taken place from the agent at travelers insurance company clearly stated from the start that " all expenses " will be covered being there driver was at fault and I was the victim. The problem happened once the body work of the car was complete and was time to return the rental car. The agent at travelers insurance told me that the body shop had reached out to me on Friday, and left me a message to pick up my car. I had not received any phone call from the body shop. The agent left the first voice mail the following Monday, then a second voice mail afterwards on the same day telling me they stopped paying the coverage the following Friday, because the body shop reached out to me and said the car was ready for pick up. Which was a false state, therefore, when I was confronting the rep at Travelers, the rep was trying to make it as opps I forgot that you called me routine. After arguing with the rep from Travelers, the rep said they might consider the extention for the weekend coverage to pay for the rental car up until Monday, if I could prove that the body shop didn't call me until Monday. I followed up with the body shop of my choice that repaired my car, and the administrator told me the first call was made on Monday, for me to pick up my car and it was ready. My call was documented in the body shops call log. I contacted the insurance company, and requested to contact the body shop for the verification. I have yet had a returned call. The total difference that

Travelers is attempting to stiff me for is $75.00. Although, it might not seem a lot. It'd the principle behind it when I wasn't at fault in the start. A blind spot is called a blind spot for a reason drivers pay attention! I have yet to hear back from Travelers. Last action from me will be small claims court. They have waisted my time, and harassing phone calls to me until I wanted something in return!

Company: Traveler's Ins
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
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