Greyhound Bus
Lost Baggage, Rude employees

Cars & Transport

Unfortunately this really is possibly more of the waste of time. My partner had the catastrophe of driving with greyhound 14 days before. All began nicely. Till he reached his ultimate location Waxahachia Texas. While he got of the coach, his baggage which he'd packed herself in Memphis was no-where found. We've submitted a state and spoke to anyone who might have a look around for this carrier. Except Waxahacia... They've just responded the telephone three times for me personally previously 14 days. They're rude,, nor appear to treatment if we actually discover my partners carrier. He's in a in Texas for just two weeks... Which was a lot of garments, as well as for him to possess to displace them, difficult. No term from anybody... Super frustrating. I believed Greyhound was a great organization that cared, I actually donot believe means anymore. We just need his carrier discovered and delivered house. Is the fact that to much to request??? Your only wish is the fact that somebody sincere appears through the carrier and discovers his prescription that's his title and house address onto it. Anyone have any recommendations???

Company: Greyhound Bus
Country: USA
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Greyhound Bus
Lost Baggage, Rude employees - Greyhound

Greyhound Bus
Lost luggage

Greyhound Bus Lines
My grandson left Wichita Falls on Thksgving day for Memphis. They lost his duffel bag with all uniforms

Greyhound Bus
Facilities suck

Did not transport luggage to next destination

Greyhound Bus Lines
Lost luggage, poor customer service, harassment

Baggage Carriers Are Theives

Do not trust Greyhound employees with your luggage, especially in Shreveport, Louisiana

Greyhound bus lines/baggage claim
Lost or stoolen luggage
Bad service and no even apologies