Ge capital auto financial services
Ripoff. Only to take advantage of you

Cars & Transport

I called ge capital regarding an extension on my auto loan. An extension is basically forgiving the payment for the current month, and just adding it to the end of the loan. Well anyway, I contacted them, and they said "no problem, just give us a fax number so that we can fax you the neccesary form allowing you to do so". I gave them the fax number and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited some more.

When I saw that I was coming up on the loan being past due thirty days because of their incompetance, I quickly called them, only to find that the representative who "helped" me, had left for the day and also the week. I asked for an available manager, who basically said that I had to wait to talk to her when she returns to work, and there was nothing that she or anyone there could do for my situation, because she knew nothing about my account, and I don't buy that because I'm sure they operate on a database with all their customers account information.

Basically she told me that there was nothing that she could do for me, her hands were tied. When I spoke with the representative FOUR days later, I had run thirty days late on the loan, and anyone who has a loan with GE Capital knows that they threaten to repossess your car at the drop of a hat.

So in the end I got stuck with not only TWO car payments to pay in one month, plus late charges, but also a late payment that showed up on my precious credit report. I detest GE Capital, and I truly do believe they are in business only to take advantage of you, and to annoy you beyond belief.

Company: Ge capital auto financial services
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002830199
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