Enterprise rent a car
Scratch Scam

Cars & Transport

I acquired a dark Dodge Quality from Business at PHL in late September. Did a "walk-around" using the worker at 11 P.M.in a dark parking lot. The vehicle was filthy and scores and dents were mentioned. This is not really a new-car as it'd 19,000 kilometers onto it.

Upon retun, the worker mentioned a "new" damage about the base of the trunk quarter-panel. It had been a little area damage. New? Who knows.

He set a $500 cost on my charge card and called me for their "harm restoration device". I've set the quantity of this cost in challenge with my charge card organization and certainly will never cope with these scammers again. I am sure a particular proportion of individuals do not combat statements such as this and it is a windfall for Business.

Company: Enterprise rent a car
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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