Safe Guard Products Intl
Unethical business practice

Cars & Transport

Safe-guard guarantee company sells all types of guarantee, s for that automotive industry the one under consideration is their tire and rim street hazzard plan that is sold by new car dealers to customer's who would like bit of mind due to their costly tires and wheels whenever they have an issue. Customeris with this policy may support their vechicle at any fix facilty of the option whenever they need support. That is where we are available in we've been employing safeguard for quite some time providing their customer's with this coverage. We just discover we could no further publish claims to safeguard first their cause was they're no further coping with independent repair shops just promoting sellers that was a lie after many calls for this company and obtaining the runaround to obtain a sincere answer the claims director of the company calls us their purpose is they're not taking statements from us since we're harmful to their company declaring your state percentage is excessive i trained we're all in the repair business we dont sell the policyis we just support the client's who've it. I suppose they dont want to recognition statements while customer's have a problem however they are ready to push their plan's and decide who will submit a state and who cant the corporation must be researched they're the one's that are harmful to business consumer's avoid the corporation do your research

Company: Safe Guard Products Intl
Country: USA
State: Georgia
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Safe Guard Products Intl
Stephen fort claims director safe guard warranty sells policy"s at premium but fails to honor claims

Warranty rip off

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Claims initiation denial

Safeguard International

Safe-Guard Products International
Safe Guard Prodcuts Company is in the business of NOT paying claims!

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Not repairable!