R.C. Hill Mitsubishi - Deland, FL
Unprofessional, Arrogant, Deceptive, Too many negative descriptors to list, Sales Manager and Staff

Cars & Transport

I was contacted originally by a salesman named Russel after submitting a search on KBB for a 2010 Mitsubishi Outlander. I had never heard of RC Hill as a dealer since it is an approximately 1.5 hours drive from my house. He informed me of their special prices and other information, I informed him that I was just looking presently and that my wife and I were going out that weekend to look at a select few vehicles to make up our minds on which one we were going to purchase. I told him that his dealership was quite a distance from my house so I would let him know if we decided to come that way.

My wife and I did, in fact, look at vehicles that weekend and we really liked the Outlander and were even working out a deal with our more local Mitsubishi dealer in Ocala. I ran a price check through my financer to see if the numbers we were working on made sense and in doing that It sent out another request to RC Hill since they were the next closest dealer. Russell then called me and stated that he could beat that price, no problem, but I had to come that day before an incentive expired. I thought this was car salesman BS, but he assured me that I would indeed save $750 if I came that day and even if he wasn't there after 5:00PM, that I should come that day and work with another salesman. I specifically informed him that if the numbers he just quoted me weren't correct when I arrived there, that I would be majorly upset. Since it was a busy Monday at work, I had to arrange to leave early to make it in time, I also had to pick up my wife, who was busy painting the kitchen at the time, and make arrangements for and drop off our daughter at a friends house while we were out. Then we would have to drive 1.5 hours to get there and 1.5 hours back.

So I verified the numbers with Russell, which were $4,000 lower than my other quote, that amount of money will make you drive 1.5 hours and leave work, etc... I plainly asked him if the price he gave me was "out the door" pricing that included incentives, tax, tags, destination fees, etc... He plainly stated "yes, that's with everything included". The only variable was my trade in, to Russell's credit, he did state that he couldn't guarantee a trade in value, since he couldn't see it through the phone. I had no issues with that.

My wife and I did get everything coordinated at the last second and did make it to Deland around 5:20PM. Russell had just left and a fellow named Jonathan had my information that Russell had left him. We inspected the vehicle and liked it, so we went to talk business. I validated the numbers that he had written down and he then went in to see the GSM. The GSM took a look at our vehicle prior to this, so Jonathan came back and told me that they couldn't give us the complete payoff for our vehicle, while disheartening, I asked him to show me some numbers and we'd go from there.

Jonathan then returned to the GSM and did, in fact return with some numbers. Well, you can guess what happened next... The numbers didn't match the quote that I was clearly given, I'm not just talking about the trade-in value, I'm talking about the price of the vehicle, to start. The price of the vehicle was $2000 higher than their internet price and the price quoted to me, I then told Jonathan that the numbers that Russell gave me were "out the door" numbers that included everything, as mentioned before. The price of just the vehicle before all of the taxes, tags, destination fees, etc. Was already higher than the "out the door price" for everything. The total price was almost $6000 more than what Russell had given me. So needless to say I became very upset. This isn't even including the $1,200 less for my trade in, even though I handed the salesmen the sheet with our NADA trade in price, which we weren't expecting the highest, but they didn't even give us the lowest.

With all of this said, I still was hopeful that we could work something out, this was until the GSM, Tom Lucas stepped out of his little hole and then proceeded to tell us how it is. This conversation started out by Mr. Lucas attempting to explain how the car business is run to my wife and I, like we were 10 years old and stupid. When we tried to speak, he would cut us off. I had had enough and asked if I could speak in a firm way, he then rolled his eyes like a 5 year old girl, and said sure... When I then attempted to speak he would make little snide remarks during and after my sentences, when I then asked if I could say something again, he stated that he said I could speak already, like he gave me permission and was allowing me to talk to the king. At this point I was so upset I wanted to break this arrogant a$hole over the head with his own desk. I told him that you can't speak to customers this way and get away with it. I am a director of 2 departments that have 5 divisions. I supervise almost 30 staff daily. I cannot imagine how this guy treats his staff if he treats customers that way. Before I did anything stupid or stroked out, one or the other, we got up and left. My wife having to endure this trivial pi$ing contest that this insecure control freak was displaying.

This was a horrendous experience, I don't care if I ever go back to Deland again, especially not RC Hill Mitsubishi. I'll leave on this note. Experience and quality of work leads to confidence.insecurities in yourself and what you do lead to arrogance. Talking the talk doesn't necessarily mean you know what you are doing.

If Mr. Hill reads this, I hope you have enough pride in your dealership to address this issue, not talking about me, I'm talking about your staff. They wouldn't last 2 days under my supervision. And please pass along my regards to Mr. Lucas, tell him to look on the bright side, Obama just extended unemployment. To which he doesn't deserve a single penny.


Company: R.C. Hill Mitsubishi - Deland, FL
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deland
Address: 1960 South Woodland Boulevard
Phone: 8777007037
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