Bob Totos Classic Cars
Bob toto warning this man is a con artist

Cars & Transport

This man is a proffesional Con Artist. He has stolen our dream, our money. And we have no idea where our car is right now. He has had our car for years. He has been evicted from the building at 6102 Adamo Drive, Tampa Fl. And now he has filed bankrupcy and is moving without notification to any of his customers letting them know where their cars will be or if he has them at all. He has an arrest record in Hillsborough county Florida. Public record. We will probably never see our property again. Bob Totos new business name is Old School Parts Inc. And can be verified on Sunbiz for corporate filing. Public information. We are just one in a line of people he has ripped off. He also swindles people into investing in his company with no intention of paying them back. It is in court records that his last investor sued and won, back in Nov. 2009 He has been forclosed on his personal home and his business property, check the property tax. Public Information. He keeps no monies or assest in his name, because you cant get nothing from nothing. Hopefully one day someone will out smart this man and bring him to justice. Where are the rights of his customers? Please Please never have dealings with this man or his business's.

Company: Bob Totos Classic Cars
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 6102 Adamo Drive
Phone: 7724087172
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