GE Money Bank
Payment on lline

Cars & Transport

Attempted to create "free online cost". Experimented with sign up like a new person, joined bill number after which I get A Mistake site that claims I should contact to activiate; tried calling customer support and might get stop after entering the bill number. This occurred numerous occasions. This is the way they create their additional money. Because they ask you for $10.00 for every check by telephone; personally I think somebody must consider all of the grievances which are submitted from this organization.

Company: GE Money Bank
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
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GE Money Bank
They block me from paying and charge me for non-payment

FIA Card Services
Fees and Bill Payment

Certegy Check Services
Fraudulent Practices

FIA Card Services/B of A
Liars and Scammers

Call2 card - doesn't work on all
Internet fraud, products undelivered

Bottom Line Books
No phone numbe

Verizon Wireless
Awful service

Fraudulent Practices