Fliteline Engine Supply - Owner John Hartnack
Have my Vehicle and my payment and will not return EITHER!

Cars & Transport

Hi my name is Jermaine. I am having a problem with a local engine repair company. The company name is flightline engine supply on Baseline road. I took my vehicle in around mid Febuary, I believe it was the 17th. I was told that it would be 2000 dollars to repair my vehicle and it would take about 2 to 3 weeks. I paid an initial deposit of 800 and was told the remaining balance was due at the end of the repair. I never received any contact from the company until I contacted them after my vehicle had been there for a month and a half, then they told me it would be anther week. This continued on and I received my vehicle about a month after that after having to call every week just to be told it would be a little longer. I finally got my car back and the final charges were 2835.25 a big difference from the price that I was quoted, and after driving the vehicle home and smelling a burning smell as I arrived home I checked the oil and there was not one drop of only on the dip stick. I called them back and they were very rude and basiclly told me to put some oil in it and drive it back to them thats all they could do. I was concerned about this but it was the only way because they refuse to tow it. I took it back to them and they did not call me about it I again had to call them and they said a gasket was leaking and they fixed it. I got the car back and noticed that it was still ticking and had a burnt smell and was told it would do that until the oil burns off. I was very upset at this point and did not want to seem unreasonable so I decided to drive the car for the intial 500 miles and have the oil changed as they asked me to do and see if there was any improvement. I did this and drove the car to memphis and it was still ticking and I noticed that it was losing oil. I then contacted them and told them the problem was not corrected and they told me to bring it in, I did so after seeing information on there website stating that ticking in your engine can cause premature engine faliure. I returned the vehicle to them and have allowed them months to fix the problems they have never called me about my vehicle and when I contact them they are very rude and never have a awnser for any questions. At this point they have my car and my money and I don't know what to do about it. The general manager bob at the Fort Smith location offered to return my money and my car if I sign a waiver, but he wants to return my car in pieces with no motor in it I will accept it but I will not sign a waiver because I will not know if all of the parts will be there and I brought the car in running with an engine in it. PLEASE READ: I have research this since this problem has occured and have found out the owners of this company have had various law suits and have been banned from selling engines in the state of Colarodo and have lost lawsuits concerning unethical buissness practices. The owner is John Harnack they also advertises as American Engine. This company is becoming known for unethical buisness practices have these type of buissnesses set up accross the country according to various websites. Please google the owners name and you will see, I was unaware of this before dealing with them and can just ask you all to ge the word out or help in anyway possible. I am planing a peaceful protest against this company, I will be there every chance I get. Thanks for your time, I tried to keep it short but there is more that I would like to tell. My email address is layd_back_kat@yahoo.com if you have any other complains I would like you all to contact me if possible. Thanks again
The owner of this company is the same person whom has had action taken agaist them for these very practices in the state of Colorado and Texas. I did a peaceful protest in front of thier buissness and plan to be there tommorow, I have also contacted the local media and would like you all to call the attorny generals office in Arkansas and report your stories to them if not please notify me if there is a class action lawsuit. Thanks Beware of Fliteline Engines in Little Rock Arkansas And Fort Smith Arkansas. They are the same companies that ripped all thoses people off in Colorado Please research the owners of the company before getting engine repair and make sure they are not linked to these GUYS. Beware!!!

Company: Fliteline Engine Supply - Owner John Hartnack
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Little Rock
Address: 8400 Baseline Road
Phone: 4796464771
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