Winchester Ford Service
Service Department Ripoffs

Cars & Transport

There are two different rip-offs to which I have been directly involved. One issue involves the parts department and the other issue directly involves the service department's ability to install an inspection sticker.

The first rip-off went like this: I have a 2004 Ford F-150 to which the window just slid down inside the door one day all by itself. I disassembled the door, driver's side door, and determined that the cabling broke on the regulator pulled out of its seat. I called Winchester Ford in order to determine if they had a regulator in stock for the driver's side door. They said they did and priced it. Note the price was $50 more than any other Ford Dealership. Since I had to have it and could not wait, I got on my motorcycle to get it. I picked it up and asked the parts person, Are you sure this is the driver's side? He said, Yes, I am sure. I asked, Can you check to make sure? He said, I don't need to check as I am sure. I then took the regulator and drove home which is approximately 30 minutes away.

I went to install the regulator later that afternoon and determined it was for the passenger side. I noted the time of the day to be 5:40pm to which the dealership closed at 6pm. I called the parts department and told them of their mistake. They verified the mistake as they still had the driver's side on hand. I told them that I had to have the part that day as I was going out of town the next day. I went on to say that it would take 30 minutes for me to travel to the dealership to get it. Well, the parts guy said, I may not be here as quitting time is 6pm. I told him that I really needed the part and he only needed to stay for 10 minutes extra. He agreed that he would be there.

I then drove my motorcycle to the dealership and the parts department was closed and locked. I went to the sales area very angry and told a salesman of my plight. The salesman personally went to the parts department and got the part. He said that I would get some kind of refund. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed.

The dealership did try to make it right by giving me a 10% discount. Note that the part was still much higher than other dealerships. Also note that the cost of gas at the time cost me more to make yet another trip Winchester Ford than the 10% discount gave me in dollars.

The second rip-off is much worse and goes like this: I went to Winchester Ford to get an inspection sticker and an oil change to which I had two coupons for the work. While the work was being done, I was told that I could only use one coupon. I asked if I had the oil change one day and then the inspection sticker the next day, then could I use the coupons? The answer from Winchester Ford was a resounding, YES! I stated that was not fair that my truck was already getting worked on and they could care less. Well, I went ahead and had the work done.

The oil change charge was noted to be very excessive as they charged for everything they could. I thought I was going to have to pay for the workers beverage while he changed my oil as well as the rags and everything! Well, I paid what they charged me on the oil change and also I paid for a state inspection sticker. Then I left.

A few days later, I noticed my inspection sticker had not been changed. I called them and they said I would have to leave a message to which they would call me back. I asked, When will you call me back? I can't sit at the phone all day. They said, Whenever the tech gets freed. Well, he did call me back about 30 minutes later and told me to bring it in and they would make it right.

I brought my truck in the next day to which they said the new inspection stick would be installed. I waited over an hour and since I had to take my mother to the airport, I became a little agitated wondering how long it would take to just stick a new inspection sticker on since I had previously paid for it.

I asked the Service Rep tech how long it is going to take to just put an inspection sticker on. She said, Oh, you were supposed to see me and you didn't do it. I asked, See you about what? Nobody told me to come see you? She said, Oh, we need to put on an inspection sticker. I will take care of it.

In the meantime, I overheard the service rep's conversation with another customer who had a brand new car in for its first service. They asked, Have you had the brake fluid changed? You know, it gets corroded and can make your brake system fail. The customer said, No, and No, it does not need it. Can you believe that? Those schmucks are trying to rip-off people who do not know anything about cars. That is like asking, Have you had the air changed in your tires lately?

So after about another 30 minutes, they came to me and said, Sir, your truck does not pass. The mirror on the passenger side is cracked. I said, Wait a minute, I paid for an inspection sticker meaning it passed when you inspected it. They said, No, it didn't pass then. I said, That's not correct because I paid for an inspection sticker. Are you telling me that I paid for an inspection sticker and the work was not performed? They said, The work was performed and it did not pass. I said, I was not told this and you made me pay for the sticker. That is fraud! They said, It is not fraud. We simply forgot to tell you about it. I said, By law, the first thing you do is a check of the vehicle before even asking for money. Did that not happen? They said, Yes sir, it did happen. We just missed telling you about it. Well, the conversation went on going round and round. I finally said, So, you pull this inspection gag by charging someone for an inspection, not putting an inspection sticker on, and then make the person come back in so that you can charge more for some type of labor because of not passing? They said, No sir, that is not correct.

Well, long story short, I had to take my mother to the airport. They said, In order to make it pass, we will have to remove the mirror. I said, that would make it more dangerous as I can see out of the mirror now. They said, Either remove it or we don't inspect your vehicle. A new one will cost $220 just for the part. Since I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, I had them remove it to which they inspected it. I do believe that they now made my truck illegal as well as dangerous!

I then left minus one driver's side mirror! The inspection sticker rip-off is alive and well to which I have received no communication from Winchester Ford. I have no recourse except to alert the state inspection bureau of Winchester Ford's shenanigans as well as posting on this website. Because of these two issues, I will never step foot on Winchester Ford's property again and I hope that other's will read this and vote with their pocket book.

Company: Winchester Ford Service
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Winchester
Address: 1911 Valley Ave
Phone: 5406674434
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