Twin Cities Events
Don't waste your time!

Cars & Transport

While trying to find a position suitable for me, I came across "Twin Cities Events" on Right away I was interested in what they had to offer for me, however I had no idea a surprise was awaiting for me.

It took me a long time to finally find their office. It was located in the middle of some industrial warehouses, almost not even seen from the street, behind parked cars in a narrow parking lot. When I walked in, I was greeted with a friendly hello from this woman, who immediately handed me a clip-board with a paper on it.

As I sat down, the paper given to me only asked for my personal information (name, address, and one employee reference and personal references). The woman kept on babbling on and on on to us about her life (like i wanted to know more anyway) and after really listening to what she said, i figured she'd be better off where she was then here—i mean, out of all states, why pick the coldest part of the country? Get a life...

There were 8 others waiting behind me, and I began to feel very well that it was "one of those places"—those selling type places that lure you into a freedom of great money, only to let you down from doing stupid offers.

Well, I gave this company a chance, and the next day after being considered, I went back and I had to ride with two girls who weren't even my age all across the cities to set up a stand at a gas station to sell car cleaning stuff! (on the way, the girl who was driving was driving way too fast while she was reading my resume and asking weird questions like she was some sort of blonde who didnt know any better.

Well anyway, the job was just stupid! Totally stupid! No one wanted to purchase anything from us, and by the first hour was done, I ended up calling my boyfriend who was actually on his way to work and asked him to come get me... The girls were all thinking to themselves, "gee this a great job" YEAH RIGHT—bunch of bolony. I was so glad to leave and felt great when i came home—and you know what, I wasn't even sad that I didn't make a dime—was just glad to have gotten out of there!

I cannot beleve there are people out there that think they dont have anything better for themselves for a career and expect to do something totally stupid as this. This is what you do as kids, not as adults and i am sure the girls probably didn't know a thing or two about career versus playing in the sandbox.

Save yourself the time and money to look somewhere else! Give us all a break you people who run these places and fnd something a lot better! What are you waiting for anyway, a big bonus check that you will never ever see? Do you get the idea that if you keep hiring and hiring and then losing and losing people dont you get it that maybe your company is a complete let down???

Company: Twin Cities Events
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Plymouth
Address: 2415 Anapolis Lane North
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Twin Cities Enterprises

Twin Cities Events
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(possibly More) Misleading 15 minute interview. Plymouth

Micalam Group - Thomas Liewer
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Twin City Events
Complete waste of time. Deceptive the entire time, taking you out on the field so you have no way out. Very awkward and unethical

Twin City Events (aka) North Star Events

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Twin City Events, Inc, North Star Events, Inc
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Mark Reisdorf - Formerly Twin Cities Now Mid States Closeouts
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