Problems with delivery

Cars & Transport

Attempted Deliver Case of Wine... Day after day they deliver at 12-1PM... No one home ~ would not accept neighbors signing or people working on the property. Caused wine to sit in 100 degree temps on a truck for 2 days. Refused to deliver later in the day... Why not? Spent 3 hours on the phone with UPS.

Then they wanted me to drive over 30 miles to pick it up. They really do not care... What is amazing they will deliver Amazon books from 4-7PM to our neighborhood, but wine can only come when no one is home.

Company: Ups
Country: USA
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Pro Flowers - - - Wine Gifts
Scam! Worst service EVER. Do not use this service

Home And Wine, Inc
Home and wine, inc. - fraudulant company - now on amazon shop site atlanta georgia
Shame on

4 Seasons Wine
Sent un ordered case of wine to my father out of state, then billed me!

Naked Wine
Late delivery

Vinesse Wine club
Wine club value is not worth the shipping costs no less the wine

Wine Insiders
Bad service

International Wine Cellars (or Shermer Specialties, Or Merchant Direct)
They send you expired wine that tastes like vinegar for your introductory offer

Naked Wine
They do not worry about their clients Cellarbrokers Cellar Wine Merchants
Charges Your Card Doesn't Deliver Product or Reply to Calls, Emails Etc! Beware!