Terrible service

Cars & Transport

I shipped a package from NY to myself in Las Vegas. My package contained 3 antique vases from my grandmother's estate. I purchased $500 of insurance on my package. When I returned to Las Vegas I discovered my vases were all broken. I filled out a PS form 1000 and got an estimate for repair of my vases. I brought my package and claim for to the Crossroads post office for inspection. They inspected my items and packaging, signed and accepted my claim for and gave me a customer copy of the PS 1000 form. My claim was later denied for "lack of evidence". I appealed the denied claim and it was still rejected stating they could not prove the package was damaged from mishandling. On my 3rd appeal they denied it stating that I didn't even bring in my items for inspection! This is completely untrue because my items were inspected as stated on the PS form 1000. It clearly states that all my packaging and contents were brought in for inspection and were visibly damaged and it was signed by post office personnel. It's clear to me that insurance services offer by the post office is nothing more than a fraudulent scam and that they have no intentions on ever paying back their customers on their claims when they damage or lose their items.

Company: Usps
Country: USA
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Insurance is a scam, don't bother getting it

Broke my vases

Denied payment on validated insurance claim Las Vegas

Ups Store Mundelein/ups
Severely damaged package, insurance claim denied

United Pacel Service (UPS) And Crawford & Company (UPS Insurance Company)
United Pacel Service (UPS) AND Crawford & Company (UPS Insurance Company) UPS and Crawford & Company ALWAYS Damage Claims stating IMPROPER PACKING, GA NATIONWIDE

United Pacel Service, UPS, AND Crawford & Company, UPS Insurance Company
United Pacel Service, UPS AND Crawford & Company, UPS Insurance Company UPS / Crawford & Company ALWAYS commit Insurance FRAUD & DENY Claims stating IMPROPER PACKING

United States Postal Service
Autria Finley USPS does everything they can to avoid paying on insurance claim after item sent was stolen by USPS worke

United States Postal Services
Refusal to honor insurance damages

They threw my family pictures away

The UPS Store
Ripoff - package damaged in shipping - claimed insurance was not purchased - I have proof it was!