Wells Fargo Financial
Have a car loan with them. Have been paying faithfully for 3 yrs. Recieved call from them the other day that they are trying to collect on debt. Car payment is 4 days late

Cars & Transport

I have a car loan with Wells Fargo. Have been paying on this account faithfully for 3 yrs. No problems.

So, I get a call the other day, individual stating they are trying to collect on a debt. Any information I can provide would be appreciated. This call may be monitored.
My car payment is 4 days late. Would I like to pay over the phone with a credit card number. Excuse me? (The check was made out and sent on the 1st.) You are calling because I'm 4 days late???"We start calling people on the 1st day it was due." It's their automated system.

After a heated discussion, I told them, "You call me when I'm 30,60 or 90 days overdue". So until they recieve payment, I will be called every day. Now, by their own admission, I have never been late or missed a payment. If I had the money I would pay the note off today.

Personally, I believe 1 of 2 things, this company's CEO needs my little old payment to put a gallon of gas in his jet to fly somewhere or they are in trouble from all the defaults that actually do take place.

I will never do business again with this company. I pay my bills and do not need their continued phone calls to prompt me.
Burned UP!

Company: Wells Fargo Financial
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Acworth
Site: wellsfargo.com
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