Anco / Federal Mogul Corporation
AncoAnco / Federal Mogul Promised a rebate for $15. I did recieve the check and tried to deposit it but it was not a real check

Cars & Transport

I was at a local automotive store here in Pensacola, Fl. And purchased a windshield wiper blade manufactured by Anco, which I thought was a reputable company, and was promised a rebate of $15. After I few weeks I did recieve the reabte however, after depositing it in the bank a few days later, it was returned back to me. The check that they had sent me was not an actual check, even though it has the name of their bank, pay to the order my name and address.

After recieving the check back in the mail from my bank, it was stamped as an invalid account plus I was charged a returned deposit of $7 by my bank. I know it's not that much money, but it's the principle of the matter. They promised me a rebate but sent me an invalid check. I don't believe that is fair and I'm sure that I wasn't the only one that this hppened to.

Company: Anco / Federal Mogul Corporation
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Southfield
Address: Worldheadquarters 26555 Northwestern HWY>
Phone: 2143547700
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