Triad Financial Corporation
Personal belonging on my repo car Ripoff

Cars & Transport

They repo my car4 last Oct 12 up to now
Oct never heard of my car. I read your web site how triad people treat there customer.

I buy the car 2001 and I file bankcruptcy 7
on August. I did not reafirm the car but it was discharge and they let me keep the car and pay.

Last Jan to present I was dissable for my back injury so i have financial problem. My Problem now about my personal belonging. My camper shell and bed liner.

I Buy it after they finance it. I want to get all my personal belonging but no reply to my call.

They have police my they pick up my car is that legal. If I want to redeem the car they can bring my car in Los Ageles while I am leaving in San Diego

I this is approved to class action joint me if not its ok. Can I file civil case to repo people because they violate my contitutional right by bringing police to my
place when repo my car. I read this in your web site or another site

Company: Triad Financial Corporation
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Palatine
Address: Dept CH10104
Phone: 8008799756
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Triad Financial

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