Citifinancial Auto And Balboa Insurance
Ripoff, harrasment, fraudulant reporting and billing, awful customer service, threats ripoff

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My wife bought a new car in virginia and was financed by citifinancial auto. About 2 months later (october 05) we moved to florida. Are insurance virginia would not cover our car in florida so we switched ins to one in florida. We got all of are cars registered insured etc. And sent paperwork to citifinancial.

Soon after we started receiving phone calls for late payments. After a little investigating we found out that they had added their inhouse insurance to our loan. We sent paperwork again. We continued getting daily harrasing phone calls about late payments we disputed the fact that we had and had never been without insurance.

Our insurance company in florida sent the papers 4 times over a period of 10 months with no results we were still getting calls and threats to reposess our car. Now the account is over 30 days past due so it gets sent to citifinancials 30 day past due department. So I get a call at 8.30 am one morning and this so called customer service rep says I need to know if your going to make a payment I then again started the process of explaining that we are being billed for insurance when we have insurance for the last 10 months. She tells me this happens all the time and she can take care of it so we give her our ins companys number.

Next day I call this idiot and she confirmed all of are information and that we in fact have been insured and falsly charged. And e4nds are conversationwith "do you plan on getting your account up to date today" i literally started laughing and said u guys owe us over 1200 dollars when do i get my money. She said thats not my dept u need to speak with billing to see about a credit to your account. (Now mind you we sent money we didnt have and cut ourselves short on several occasions to keep them from calling)

I told her that I would not make another payment until this matter is straightened out. She sharply says sir what is your current adress and then what color is your car, insinuating they were going to come get it. I then asked for there dispute department and guess what I get her boss, another idiot so I went thru my spill again to find out wrong person. Finally I searched the internet and found the dipute department number and whala problem solved now they credited my account 1200 dollars/removed all late fees/and apologized for the behavior of their staff.

Please contact me if you have had similiar experiences with them as I plan on suing them. Listed below are just some of the problems we encountered during this

Reported us to the credit buraus

Threatning and harrasing phone calls

Said the problem was obvious that we just don't listen

Harrassed our 14 yr old daughter/

Called day or night after we contacted not to do so (wife is a nurse and sleeps during the day and they know this)

Would not allow us to access our account online because there was a past due balance

When we called cust service we alwas got forwarded to collections

When asking for a supervisor we always seem to lose our connection 7 times in one nite

No one would help us or give information on are account

We honestly felt strongarmed and helpless

Thanx for you guys time and trust me this is the short version.

Ooh and p. S complaints have been filed with the f.T.C. And attorney generals office

Company: Citifinancial Auto And Balboa Insurance
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
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