Illegal disclosure of private information

Cars & Transport

I cant help but laugh when I see this company (to date) has 155 complaints on this site. I have a car (that I bought on impulse) and was financed through Americredit. I fell behind on my payment and these uneducated low lifes called my father in another state (whom I have not spoken to in years, by the way) and told him they were looking for me because I had fallen behind in my payments. They also called my best friend In South Carolina and told him the same thing.

The people they hire are STUPID. Low-life, STUPID. Like others who have posted their complaints, Americredit called me about 30 times daily. It was ridiculous. And when the collector would leave a message the collector sounded like a homeless person. The messages sounded something like "aba daba, you need da pay yo bill. Aba dabba doo!". I think you know what I am getting at. LOW LOW lifes. And then, when he would get me on the phone, he would badger me, and I would badger him back.

But the point is, this is completely unnecessary. Accomplishes NOTHING. I will pay my car off. I am with in 4K of it being paid off and afterwards I will sue them for all that I have paid due to illegal disclosure of my credit information. These people are dumb!


Company: Americredit
Country: United States Minor Outlying Islands
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: 801 Cherry Street
Phone: 8779949119
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Car title - auto financing

Harrassing phone calls & third party disclosure

Avoid them

Americredit harasses people until no end

Ripoff Arlington, Texas

They are unethical

Third party disclosure

Americredit Auto Financing Co
Americredit is holding my title to my car after I made all my payments and paid all of the late fees and interests that accumulated over a five year period. All of a sudden, they threw a balance of 1