Ripoff scam dishonest

Cars & Transport

Swift sucks

1) They do not pay practical miles. They pay off Ran mcnally, a system that rips you off on actual miles driven. So you end up working for free half the time.

2) The truck they gave me constantly breaks down. The opt idle has not worked correctly in over a year and a half, so I never get a good nights sleep. When I asked them for a newer better truck, after trying to have it fixed at 10 different terminals, they simply tried to give me a truck that had more miles on it, and was in worse shape then the piece of crap I was driving.

3) You are treated as just another number, with no respect at all. All they care about is keeping the truck moving. If it breaks down on you, you have to call their on road department who will put you on hold for hours, then try and tell you how to fix the truck yourself, before calling someone to come fix it. They will not reimburse you for your hours of waiting on cell phone. One time no one ever got back to me, and no one came to fix the truck till a day later, while I was left at side of freeway with no air conditioning in 120 Arizona heat.

4) When your truck is in one of their terminals being fixed, which will be most of the time, you have to beg people for a hotel room, and half the time, they will try to give you keys to some dirty filthy truck to go sleep in instead of springing for a hotel. If you get to hotel, each place will take payment differently. They tell you, you need a p.O. Number or a com check, or a voucher, or it will be put on your fuel card. Ect. So after calling your terminal that doesn't answer their phone, you are left with no way to get a room, unless your rich, and you will be below the poverty level driving for Swift.By chance you get lucky, and some how they spring for the hotel, the money is automatically taken out of your check and you are not usually reimbursed for any of it. Unless you put up a huge fight and call pay roll, then they will pay you back maybe like a month later. I sent in my hotel receipts once with trip pack, did everything I was suppose to do to get money back, and I called weeks later and asked why I didn't get hotel money back, and the lady said I hadn't circled the price on the receipt. Un f*ing believable the crooks these people are.

5) When your truck is in the shop, they will rip you off on what is suppose to be your break down pay, 50 dollars a day after the first 24 hours of being in shop. They just simply wont pay you any break down pay unless you talk to you driver manager, who then has to talk to payroll, then they investigate it for weeks, while your paycheck is 150 dollars.

6) They will tell you to take pre plans that were suppose to have delivered days ago and claim you wont get a service failure if you take it. So you take it and you get a service failure. It makes no sense.

7) You will always be broke working for them, so you will always need a 100 dollar driver advance every week just to get by. You can get one a week. Yet you get your paycheck, and each week they have taken out for 2 driver advances instead of one. - 200 dollars, plus their fee for cashing it another 10 dollars.

8) If your truck breaks down and you are under a pre plan that delivers local the next day. They will refuse to let you t call it even if your truck is in the shop. They will give you a loner truck, that way they screw you out of getting break down pay, because they will say you were under a load and working.

9) If you have a family emergency and need to take a leave of absence. They don't give a flying shit what is going on with your family. I have never dealt with such cold people in my life. They will demand to know when you can come back to work, next they will demand their truck be brought to nearest terminal and you fill out all the paper work for leave of absence, and you get something in the mail days later saying leave of absence denied, telling you to call your driver manager and get back to work right away.

10) They will give you a load with no time on it to deliver. You ask when it can be delivered, and they will say appointment was put off for another day. So you sit another day not getting paid, and still they have no appointment time, so they will just tell you to go to final at 8 A.M., you get there and some security guy tells you your appointment is at 4 P.M. And swift will refuse to take the load off you, and make you wait another entire day till 4P.M. With no explanation as to what happened. They will also send you to pick up loads at places after hours, you get there and no one speaks English and no one knows anything about the load that was suppose to be getting you home after being on the road for a month. They tell you to stay put at customers, and they never get back to you, but this time there is no where to park at only truck stop in town. So you are left tired, broke, frustrated, stuck in traffic at midnight after a 14 hour day, where you maybe only made 20 dollars for that day.

11) they will sometimes laugh in your face if you are in phoenix and ask for a load home. If you are in phoenix they will claim the only freight they have is to California. So they get you stuck in California doing small little 300 mile runs everyday up and down California, making no miles or money at all. Then they will finally send you back to phoenix, only to get your there, and force you to go back to California. Most all of your paychecks will be under 4oo dollars a week no matter how hard you try and run.

Billhuntsville, Texas

Company: Swift
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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