Regional Acceptance Corporation
Credited payment to other client's account and refuse to correct

Cars & Transport

Beware of Regional Acceptance Corporation (RAC) of North Carolina. Check the Better Business Bureau before contract. Unsatisfactory report with 9 complaints in 36 months and refusing to answer complaints.

RAC cashed a check from me on March 1. They did not credit my account. I did not find out until July. Even after the bank spoke to RAC they still refuse to correct this problem. This has happened before and all it took was the check number and bank routing number and it was fixed within two days.

This time they first requested the same information, then when I attempted to give it to them they refused to take this information. They stated they needed a copy of the actual check. I stated it would be 7-10 working days before the check would come to me from the bank and then I would fax it to them. Meanwhile I contacted the bank and they called RAC. RAC stated to the bank that it would be corrected on August 1st.By August 3rd it still was not corrected and the supervisor stated no one had called them and that she would not do anything about this until she received the actual check. This caused my account to go into a negative standing.

Remember this is the second time RAC has given my money to other people, but this time they are refusing to fix it. I am filing a report with the Better Business Bureau and the North Caroline Banking Commissioner's Office.

Company: Regional Acceptance Corporation
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: PO Box 580306
Phone: 2523531858
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