ATV Salvage & Sales
Ripoff, dont give money back on wrong parts they sold you

Cars & Transport

I went there to get a motor for my car's seat. Was told yea we got it it's $35.00 and you pull it yourself, ok. They sold me a 96 buick centry seat my vehicle is a 92. Way different. I ask so this will work.??? Oh yea shure. Im like i can do this, lol. Well I get home and start rippin my car apart. I then realize hey this wont work the motors in the wrong spot. And different! Crap I just wisted my day doing this. So i call a day later because of my hours i work. I call at 4:27. I talk to some lady who is usually nice. She says i'll call you right back. O.K.

So I wait for an hour. Nothing now its a day later and i call and they say well blablabla. You come and look for other cars with same moter. I'm like crap. Say Aint I the customer? So now i'm supposed to waist my day messing around with a dang chair again. I dont think so. So i'm going to go and return the crappy looking chair that dont match my car and just say effit! Why should i deal with a bunch of non friendly -non cooperitive people like that. They should be paying me for my gas and My time. I'd had to do this reporting stuff but i hope someone learns from my mistake on trusting someone when they say yea it will work and are just hungry for the money!

Company: ATV Salvage & Sales
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: North Branch
Address: 8410 St. Croix Trail
Phone: 6516740000
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