Department Of Home Affairs
Taking their time Updating My Status - Marriage Status Update

Cars & Transport

How long will it take for DOH to change my status from Divorced to Married so I can apply for a new ID?
The documents were sent to Roodepoort DOH and we have proof that they were collected on the 26th October by a person named WARNICH, ID Number: 8001155038086
I am unable to apply for a new ID under my NOW married surname as DOH as still not changed my Status.
Will this take an enternity??

Company: Department Of Home Affairs
Country: USA
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I married her as awife and husband forever but she married me to be legal in this country she got temporary status which irequested to be cancelled she claim domistic violance now to legalized herself

Oguz Ersoz
We rented dedicated server from this company now 6th month. is an scam hosting company.internet