Bankers Life and Casualty
Unethical treatment of agents

Career & Work

I had been a realtor with Bankers Life. Our revenue was limited from the fresh Department supervisor through handle of prospects I taken care of and task of brokers in my experience.

I resigned.

That Is an office of 7 to 15 brokers. Previously year this workplace went through more than 30 brokers and three supervisors.

Lenders understands the finances they put me in.

I reside in Ky so that they are submitted a suit against me in Detroit understanding I really could not manage an attorney or even the continuous visit to Detroit consequently of my affiliation together.

The match is foundation about the proven fact that this same department mangager is declaring that the customer stated that a realtor stated that I told them to prevent by.

I'm a simple target.

Can anybody help?

Company: Bankers Life and Casualty
Country: USA
State: Ohio
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Bankers Life and Casualty
Unethical Agents

Stuart Allan and Associates dba
Scam account collections for Bankers Life

Bankers Life and Casualty
Commission not paid

Bankers Life Insurance
Not senior friendly

Bankers Life and Casualty Company
Phone, email job interview scam

Bankers Life and Casualty
Home Care Insurance

Bankers Life and Casualty

Bankers Life & Casualty Company
Lack of response to Medicare

Bankers Life and Casualty Company
Hiring manager promised qualified leads of interested prospects if I finished training program only to find after finishing the training there were no qualifed leads available wasting five weeks

Bankers Life and Casualty
Consumer Report