Wal - Mart
Etaliation Worker compensation

Career & Work

Was an employee at the Wal-Mart store located at 12220 FM 432, FRISCO, TX. OF JANUARY21 I had been employed there for a total of fourteen DAYS.

The reason I am writing this letter is because I believe that the disrespectful behavior of staff toward employees and customers should be investigated. The store manager, EARL AND GRAVE speaks to his staff and Employees in such a disrespectful way that shocked me to the core. I couldn’t believe it. As I searched the internet in an attempt to locate the Wal-Mart corporate information, I stumbled on many online reports of how Wal-Mart had they Never Answer back the store Manager treated bad and abused after I claimmed the injury that night in january21 some of their former managers, employees and customers. Much of that information can be found here: http://usashameboard.com/? Search=Walmart

Just recently I was terminated from Wal-Mart by Manager, EARL GRAVE just for asking a question about how I injury during a meeting. After that He assaulted Me by two employee’s right in front of her while she stood and did nothing. I have contacted The EEOC and did no thing Helpline at 1-800-WM-ETHIC who are in the process of launching an investigation against him as well as the store for the following: ETHICS POLICY VIOLATION. Employee assault, harassment, personal injury during the assault, wrongful termination and civil rights violations. There are many other employees there who are afraid to speak up for themselves for fear of retaliation by Miss Lloyd as well as other higher ups.

I ask that you please let our surrounding communities know the type of mean spirited individuals who are disrespecting our children, sisters, mothers, brothers and fathers. Their claim is to help family and community, but they have done more harm than good. The only thing they've been doing is stealing money from the people in these communites. Former Manager Larry Winick stole large sums of money from this same Walmart store and was never prosecuted for his crime. Now every other local Walmart store has received bonuses except for the one in Landove

Company: Wal - Mart
Country: USA
State: Texas
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Ethics policy violation. Employee assault, harassment, personal injury during the assault, wrongful termination and civil rights violations

Horrible Manage

The Truth Ripoff

Employee Complaint

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