Rich CafeDirect
Seattle's best coffee $79.00 fraudulent charge to my checking account


This company also charged me the fraudulent $79.00 charge on 12/5/09. After numerous calls, messages, etc., I too got the reply that it would take 30 to 60 days to refund and that this was all a computer goof? They said I was a customer last year (not), and their computer system accidentally charged old customers a new membership fee? Whatever, I don't get 30 to 60 days to pay my debts or fix an error that I made... This compay needs to reverse these charges immediately or pay interest for every day that I don't have my money.

Company: Rich CafeDirect
Country: USA
Phone: 8889632233
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Rich CafeDirect
Seattle coffee direct 79 charge on card on an account I cancelled about 2 years ago

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Seattles best coffee Fraud

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Each charged me $79 without my authorization, contact or signature. I discovered the charges on my MASTERCARD

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Seattle Coffee Direct charged my credit card after I canceled the account at least a 15 months ago

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Waiting for refund!

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Unauthorized charges