Lead Resources of America
Horrible People

Business & Finance

Heres the timeline, nov. i signed a contract with Equitable Lending through tactical learning, apr. i paid off my remaining balance to Equitable with my tax return, jul. i received several rude e-mails and phone calls from Lead Resources of America stating i owe them 3,000 dollars for late payments, i told them that i had no contract with them, they replied by calling me a liar "just like your wife" and that they bought my contract one day after i had signed it. I asked why i wasn't notified of my contract change so that i could have made the payment to them, they replied " we don't have to send you any notification until you default, then we only notify you of your debt". This seemed a little bogus to me, so ignored them, oct. my wife begins to recieve threatening e-mails stating that she "must" give them my chain of command information so they won't pursue "a legal resolution", i go to jag, they state that 1. They have heard of the company many times before, and that we are not alone, 2. As long as we keep our records, we will be fine, 3. They cannot do anything unless the company takes us to court, and 4. Just ignore them, they're " harmless leeches", jan. a negative report hits my credit stating an outstanding debt of 8,000 dollars, i fear calling these people so as to not start the harassing processes over again, mar. all request for a mortgage loan have been denied due to the debt on my credit report, now my family of four is living with a relative who will be moving soon, forcing us to go homeless, jun. selling almost everything we have in preparation. They have beaten me and destroyed all i had hoped for my family. I hope they get what they deserve.

Company: Lead Resources of America
Country: USA
State: California
Site: leadresourcesofamerica.us
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Lead Resources of America
Scammed, Harassed, and Taken Advantage of by Lead Resources of America

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