Credit Service Division
They Are a Rip-Off

Business & Finance

I recived a letter from a company I never even appiled for a card from. That was kind of a shock to me. The letter said I was apporved for a credit line of $6,500 dollars. So I called them to to see what was up. Then they read a bunch of stuff to me really fast. They also said I could only shop from some CCA catalog. I asked if they had a website that I could go and check out but I got no reply to that question. They said if I activated my card I would also get a cash on demand card free at no charge to me. Then they asked for my bank account info. I was not about to give that to a company that sent me a credit card offer even though I never applied at there company.

It seems to me that they are trying to rip people off. Some thing needs to be done about this company. For one I if can't use a credit card to hop at a store or online it aint worth having one. And how did they even think I was going to give up my personal info. If only my scanner worked I would show you a copy of this letter. My advice is if you recive a letter from them throw it away. I did.

Company: Credit Service Division
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 18002777056
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CCS Catalog Shopping ~ First National Card
Fraud! They just want your money! They don't even have a website!

CCS Credit Service Division
Ripoff online catalog shopping credit

CCS Credit Division First National Card
Letter To Rip Off My Checking Account Threatening, Scary, Deceptive, Attempt to Rip Off People

CCA Credit Services Division
Ripoff access your bank account

CCA-First National Card

CCA Credit Service Division
Ripoff thank god I looked On-Line

First National Card CCS
They sent me a card call them at 800-717-1278

CCS Credit Service Division, 1First National Card
Attempts to obtain SSN's in order to drain personal bank accounts under the pretense of being a legitimate credit card company

CCS Credit Card Service First National
CCS First National "member" card - not "credit card - Read offer carefully - these guys have been sued!

Bank Card Credit Center
Asked for fee about $30 for a credit card, than after when they got that payment they sent me letter request of $300 so they can give me a credit card with ballance of $600