CCA Credit Services Division
Ripoff access your bank account

Business & Finance

I received a notice along with a credit card within the email informing me I'd $6500 value of intrest free credit! And so I browse the notice and named the 800-number to try and learn more info on this "offer"these were providing me.

Effectively they asked me for that card number after which my telephone number they questioned easily had a bank account number. Once they requested for my bill number I told them no plus they stated in those days they might not proccess my request. But I didn't obtain anything-but info that we still didn't get from their website. These were really determined about NOT providing any details about themselves-but certain did need all my own data including my banking account amount that we share with no body but my bank teller! Fortunately I understand to not hand out my bill number for my lender but others may possibly not be so fortunate!

Company: CCA Credit Services Division
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 8002777056
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Distinct Advantage
Do not trust unfamiliar telephone call and do not land up providing your personal info

Federal Grant Processing Center

Prime Mutual Credit Card
Will say they want your bank account number for credit approval, then take money from your account

Citicorp Credit Services, Inc. (USA)
CITICORP claimed I authorized a tranaction for payment on 6/21 of $100.00

Fifth Third Bank
Unauthorized credit request!

CCS Credit Division First National Card
Letter To Rip Off My Checking Account Threatening, Scary, Deceptive, Attempt to Rip Off People

Not sure what it is
Taking money out of my account without my authorization

Credit Report
Taking money for a service i never asked fo

Unified Services
Unified services is a SCAM!

Magazine Special Today
Unauthorized account deductions