Very BAD Customer Service

Business & Finance

Two things happened at Lowes which made me decide to never go back to this store. The first incident was when I was looking at shades, and saw one on the floor with unraveling fringe. I took it to the woman at the desk and told her, and she said, 'oh, yeah that happens with those, ' and never said another word to me, turned around and said, 'What can I do for you?' to one of her co-workers. RUDE! The second incident was Saturday when my husband and I were looking at appliances. Well, a worker walked right past us, and this was the SECOND employee who ignored us, and the woman—who walked right past us— asked another couple if they would help them. Could it be because we were an 'older' couple, and they may have thought these were newlyweds and might be buying a lot more than we? At any rate they have lost 2 good customers. Their behavior was inexcusable, and I don't tolerate such treatment. I suppose the Lowe's employees feel secure that they will have a job forever... They won't with this kind of customer service, or more appropriately, with the LACK of customer service.

Company: Lowes
Country: USA
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Very Poor Customer Service!

No customer service

Bad customer service

No longer a custome

That store has lost my business foreve

Very bad customer service

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