Wells Fargo Mortgage
Ripoff Late fee scam

Business & Finance

Got a call from Wells Fargo's collection folks last night claiming we owed $170.00 in late fees for our August mortgage payment. Apparently, (awaiting copy of check from our bank to see if it was our error or their's) we made the check out for $X, 001.34 instead of $X, 4001.34 in error. The check was deposited by Wells on July 20,10 days prior to the due date, but the rep claimed that they can't apply partial payments to our account and therefor had to assess the full late fee. I asked why it was they didn't contact us when they received the check and of course she said she was sorry but didn't know why the processing department didn't do so.

I noted how they were able to contact us only 4 days after the 15 day grace period yet unable to do so to advise us of an obvious error. Clearly they are waiting for the grace period to expire then are trying to assess a 5% late fee on the full amount. Undoubtedly this is happening to thousands of their customers who make an honest mistake. I have contacted a law firm and will be pursuing whatever type of legal action I can to strike back at these unscrupulous ba*tards. I will also be refinancing my home immediately to avoid dealing with them in the future.

Company: Wells Fargo Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Site: www.wellsfargo.com
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