Mortgage Refinancing

Business & Finance

I approached CitiMortgage, my mortage business, concerning the refinancing of our house. I had been provided an interest rate and started the mortgage process. Three nights later I had been provided a much better phrase with my normal lender, and so I approached Citi to stop the mortgage program. The Citi repetition agreed to complement another lender easily might stick with them. I decided and waited for that fresh present from Citi to reach. After 4 times of waiting, I approached Citi and was certain anything was nevertheless good-and that I will continue using the evaluation. After rescheduling my evaluation twice, the mortgage advisor assured me that issues are simply likely to be good which he'll make certain the evaluation will not be terminated. The evaluation was finished, but I still did not obtained any files regarding my refinancing from Citi. I approached the broker again and was informed that I'll get the files inside a week. Once the documents did not appear, I sent the broker and was educated he continued a medical leave and also to contact his back up. Then named me while on medical leave and stated the documents were delivered to his workplace, but he'll have someone resend it. While it didnot appeared again, I approached him but he didnot react. I delivered 3 more emails, created 5 calls to his back up and did not get any reaction. I'd my CitiBank branch supervisor contact CitiMortgage and was ultimately informed the "corresponding" present wouldn't be recognized. The "medical leave" broker continues to be transferred and there is nothing the rear up may do. Therefore after 30 days of waiting, I Have dropped on the fantastic mortgage rate and it is compelled to consider another bank for my refinancing

Company: CitiBank
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: O Fallon
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Citi Mortgage
Watch you online mortgage payments!

Citibank, 110 for a simple refinance? Seriously?

Citibank, 110 for a simple refinance? Seriously?

Citi Mortgage
Me and My Family are also a victim during the process of loan modification from citibank, i put a lot hope on this program, but finally it got worst right now, Citi Mortgage "NEVER" notified


Mortgage Modification

Quicken Loans
Misleading Information for Loan Refiancing

CITI Mortgage Inc
Refinance abuse! - Mortgage Refinance

Interest/sayingwehave a late payment
