Resurgence corp llc
Resurgence financial, etc, etc, etc Collection bully's

Business & Finance

I have been divorced for approx 6 years. My ex-wife had assumed all credit card dept but got to keep the house. I received a letter from Resurgence saying they now owned my dept with a credit card company and that I needed to pay the amount owed of approx 14,000 dollars. I sent them the divorce decree and a letter refuting any amount owed, they sent me back documents showing how my name had been on the statements with my ex's and then there was only me (cause she filed bankruptcy dummy) I talked to a attorney but they couldnt or wouldnt help other than to say if they come after me I would have to have the court enforce the divorce decree. I haven't received anything showing my signature agreeing to this debt or anything that shows I was anything other than an authorized user. Any suggestion on how to procede? I was served papers on sunday notifying me of court on the 26th of januaryI do have my divorce papers which I will take and will also ask them for irrefutable proof that I owe this but what else can I do? Any help would be appreciated

Company: Resurgence corp llc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: National
Address: 4100 commercial ave
Phone: 8476562200
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Resurgence Financial
Summons, unknown creditor not on summons, amount handwritten

Chase Manhattan Mortgage
Ripoff I signed over the house to my ex but now Chase wants me to pay and is giving me bad credit

Department Of Home Affairs
Home affairs Kempton Park - Status on my marriage status

Emerge Mastercard
Taking ME to court?

Nancy E. Yakubek Attorney At Law
Takes your money, but doesn't do a thing, lies

Kim G. Sims, Attorney at Law
Kim Sims, Attorney at Law Sold me out in divorce to the otherside Rip-off

Divorce by Phone
Consumer Report

Midland Credit Management
Zombie Collector, Sues 1 month after buying my old debt

Zions Bank
Don't Understand DIVORCES!

Credit Acceptance Corporation
6 years later, cac still ripping me off!