Express Digital Graphics
Scam tactics

Business & Finance

I'd an issue with my charge card being billed by 3 sites which were associated with a website I registered for. Today 2 of the websites returned my cash, However The next one Convey Digital Artwork. Photoreflect will not return my credit card. They are informing me I've to show that my credit card was taken.

I told them which was false which it had been as a result of relationship between sites. They nevertheless won’t do he right hing, I've place in a state with my bank. Just desired you to become conscious of the fraud that Photoreflect is operating thanks.


Convey Digital Artwork, Inc.

4201 Bee Cave Road West

Lake Hills, Texas 78746-6465

(512) 347-8939

Company: Express Digital Graphics
Country: USA
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Your-Pix -
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Express Digital Graphics, Inc
Stole my money, ripped me off. Anywhere Indiana
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Never paid for artwork for internet web sites

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Nuance Billed me even after I told them I did not want to go through with the purchase and after they had quietly doubled the price
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Fraudulent Credit Card Charge