Landmark Clearing
Unauthorized Charges

Business & Finance

These businesses operating together have now been getting automated funds out-of my partners consideration atleast back again to July perhaps more. These automated funds were and therefore are unauthorized!!! We would like all dealings returned or perhaps a suit brought against them!

Company: Landmark Clearing
Country: USA
State: Colorado
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NYCB Mortgage Company
Slapped with late fees, their fault though

Bank of America
Loan Scam

Unethical practices to increase revenue

Duckload Premium Membership
Automatic payment scam / fraud

American Express
Unauthorized Charge to Checking Account

My Salute Card
Unauthorized Withdrawal & DINNERCLUB
Unauthorized bank charges

Platinum Online Group
Consumer Report

Unauthorized Withdrawal

Branch Banking And Trust Company
Bb&t bank - waits until balance is low to execute postings that have been cleared by automated system