Requesting debt payment for a Capitalone Credit card I Never had

Business & Finance

I got a call from a Kristal requesting for payment on a Capitalone credit card, which i never had, she gave me some information of me, but the address (P.O. Box 4534) she gave is diffirent from my address, I had no credit cards during the year of January 1999 to July. The account # she gave is 4121741528471415, Please emale what information you on this account or whatever information you can to make sure it the right person you are asking payment from, there are two people with the same name. Thank You

Company: Capitalone-creditcard
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Norfolk
Address: 140 Corprate Blvd
Phone: 8669090529
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Minimum payment below amount over limit resulting in significant over limit fees

Charged membership fee on card that was not activated

CapitalOne Prime Lock
Annual Percentage Rate ripoff

CapitalOne Visa / Master Card
Rip off - increased interest rate

Capital One
Charges $39 overlimit fees on $2-3 account fees

Automatic Payment Fraudulent Practices

CapitalOne credit card
In2/09 AlliedInterstste ssent us a payoff for $599.27.6/9/09 We paid the $599.27. Now CapitalOne sent us a bill for $595.72 for 3 months behind in payments

Cashed my cheques but refused to credit my account telling IRS that I kept money as income

CapitalOne Credit
Capital One Credit reports only high credit balance as credit limit on credit report not actual credit limit consumer rip-off fraud

Capital one
Fraud and a scam