HRS aka HRS-USA aka RETAIL SERVICES aka Financial Company For BEST BUY Ruined Credit Report - Fraudulant and dishonest

Business & Finance

I along with countless others that I am reading on this board have had our lives put on hold due to the practices of HRS. I have repeatedly read about people filing a class-action lawsuit - has anyone done this yet and if so can you please provide any info regarding it? I hope this is just not all huffing and puffing regarding this company and people have rallied together to do something.

I paid my bill ahead of time via on-line billing between my bank and HRS. The balance was paid in full and the account was to be closed due to previous questionable late fees. Somehow, HRS did not post my information until after the due date and hit me with late fees. Than on top of that I did not receive a statement from them telling me I now had a late fee on what I thought was a closed account. Imagine my surprise when I tried to re-mortgage my house and got declined because of bad credit due to never paying late fees on a account that should be closed. Plus I was charged late fees for the late fees on top of my credit ruined.

I am currently in attempts to fix this thru HRS and having the ususal run-around. No one from their disputes department is "allowed" to talk to me live via phone to discuss the issue and their customer service reps (800-365-0292) are of no help in this matter either. Any advice on how to handle this quickly would be greatly appreciated.

Once again - does anyone have any info regarding a class action lawsuit against HRS?


Company: HRS-USA - RETAIL SERVICES - Financial Company For BEST BUY
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: P.O. Box 15521
Phone: 8003650292
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