Department of Law and Investigation
Continues to call my number... Even though I am not the one they are looking for!

Business & Finance

I have been receiving phone calls from the "Department of Law and Investigation" for a year. They call my number looking for another individual who may or may not have had my phone number. This was a new number for me a year ago. I cannot understand who they are looking for. The individual that calls speaks "selective" english. His name is Brian Taylor... Although I am sure it is an alias. He speaks with an Indian accent.

I have had enough of their calls and today told them if they continued to call my number I would sue them for harrassment. He asked is I knew who I was speaking with. I told him I did not care who I was speaking with. I wanted them to stop calling my number, the person... Whoever it is... Is no longer at this number. He was extremely indignant and insisted on telling me who they were. I would have preferred that he give me his address so I could pass it on to an attorney, but no such luck.

One more phone call and I will proceed to file legal action however. He gave me a case number of 104339. I feel for whoever it is they are after. But I will no longer put up with their phone calls.

Company: Department of Law and Investigation
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Pasco
Phone: 5094923558
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