H&R Block Emerald Credit Card
Won't Refund us our money!

Business & Finance

We tried to make a purchase online for $408.00 with our H&R Block prepaid Mastercard at a store online. The online store did not have the item in stock that we were trying to purchase and voided our order. It did not go thru and the online store did not receive any money. H&R Block is saying that the online store has to send them a fax releasing the funds to them for legal reasons. We have been on the phone back and forth for a whole week now and have been told numerous stories. The online store says they will not fax H&R block any release forms because they did not receive the money since it was voided immediately, therefore-there is no reason for them to release money they never had. As I said, I have been on the phone for days now with both of these companies and it's VERY frustrating when your in America and cannot understand what the person at H&R Block is saying because they can't speak very good English. One time they tell you that the money will be put back on your card in 2 days, the next time they tell you it will be 24 hours and the next time they tell you they are not going to do it until they receive the fax from the merchant. It is VERY annoying to be lied to and then told "well I guess you will have to wait until the PENDING transaction expires in January". Are they serious? This was supposed to be a Christmas gift for our son and it breaks my heart to know they can get away with this and not even give a crap. We just want our money back so we can make a purchase elsewhere. I want everyone out there to know what kind of business they are. They do not care one bit about their customers!

Company: H&R Block Emerald Credit Card
Country: USA
Phone: 8886874722
Site: hrblock.com
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