Fairbank Capital
Ripoff robbing forclosing

Business & Finance

I am writing this on behalf of my mother. She is 75 yrs. Old and being ripped off by fairbanks. This all started back in 2000. Our payment was misstakenly mailed off late, but when they received it they refused it, and that's where my mothers nightmare began. She continually tried the make payments, but they would not except them, she was then many months behind.

They threaten her with forclosure and started the process as if she had not been trying to pay. She was served with notice and they told her she had to be out of the house on Feb. 18th 2002. Just before that date they called her with a plan, they told her that she could put the house up for sale for 6 mo but she didn't have to sell it but it would give her some time to come up with the full amount that she was delinquent, a very large amount that a then 72 yr old woman on a fixed income could not possible come up with.

At the end of that 6 mo it started all over again, with the threats of being kicked out. We have tried many ways to get from under fairbanks to no avail, no one else will touch it. There is so much more to this story, so many other things that just don't add up, we just found out last week that there are others out there with the same type of rip off stories about fairbanks. Because they are at it again, they want her to pay 1,700.00/mo to "catch up" a mortgage that started out as 500.00/mo.

None of what she has been paying has gone toward the principle balance of the loan and they won't tell us what her balance actually is, they wanted us to pay 50.00 to find out the balance. What can we do? Someone please help!

Company: Fairbank Capital
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: P.o. Box 65250
Phone: 3132991397
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