Fairbanks Capital Corp
Sneaky and Conniving Ripoff Company Rude Underhanded and Just Plain Wrong

Business & Finance

Our loan was sold to Fairbanks, unknown to us until we started dealing with these assholes. We have never been late on our payments to our previous loan holder, and many times we paid an additional amount to lower our balance.

Our loan was sold on November 1st and on November 20th we started getting threatening phone calls from Fairbanks. We told them that our November payment had cleared our bank on November 5th. And to take this issue up with the previous mortgage holder. They told us that it was our burden to prove that payment was made. We informed them in no certain terms that it was not our problem to straighten out their paper work.

Then we were told by Fairbanks employees that our house was going to be foreclosed. We are not late on our payments and can not understand the audacity of some pencil pushing collection agent calling our home and threatening us.

At this time we went online and found this website. We started reading the other horror stories and are very much in fear that this will happen to us.
We have checked on Fairbanks with the Better Business Bureau and they do not recommend them.

We want to find a way to get out from under this company before something horrible happens. We have called our old mortgage company and requested to have them redo our loan but were told that we will have to get more equity built back into our home. What do we do in the meantime? Wait for Fairbanks to do something terrible? Any Suggestions?

Lacombe, Louisiana

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P.O. Box 551170
Phone: 8006696607
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