Petsecure pet health insurance
Unethical Business Practices

Business & Finance

Petsecure is one of the most dishonest, greedy and unethical companies I have ever done business with; the only company worse is Roger's Cable TV. They are constantly changing their policies and your personal policy to make it easier for them to charge you more and for them to decline payment. Here are some of the things they don't tell you: 1. You are personally responsible for a portion of the cost, over and above the deductable;2. As you pet ages the deductable and you portion of the costs increases dramatically;3. The randomly add exclusions to your policy to ensure that they don't payout on common ailments that are 'supposedly' covered by the plan;4. Their first response is to always decline payment, after which you have to fight and argue with them to honor the plan; and5. The consistently increase the cost of your plan (about every 6 months) and change the terms and conditions of their policies, so that you never have a clear idea of what your coverage is.

The BBB of Manitoba gives Petsecure and A rating and all I can think is that Petsecure must have paid them big time to get that rating (the BBB rates companies based on the $ paid to them for their rating).

Pet insurance is a good thing - if you can find and honest company with reasonable rates. Unfortunately, like the human insurance industry, the pet insurance industry is about profits, not about honest, fairness or ethics. The only company that I have come across that aren't out to screw the consumer at all costs is Vet Insurance. Their rates are comparable, all of the conditions of their policy are clear and unhidden and they provide reliable service - they pay out without bullying or abusing the consumer.

Do not get Petsecure Health Insurance - unless you are interested in and ready to get completely screwed. Go with Vet Insurance, they at least try to be fair and reasonable!

Company: Petsecure pet health insurance
Country: USA
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Petsecure Pet Health Insurance
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Petsecure pet health insurance
Petsecure Health Insurance

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Keith False information

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Health Care America
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Geico Insurance Company
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Physicians Life Insurance Company
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Aspen Insurance UK Ltd
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