Geico Insurance Company
Charging for Non At-Fault Accidents

Business & Finance

This is ridiculous! I guess it's not limited to Geico either, but they are the ones that I am insured with, and they are the ones that did this to me.

I got onto Geico's web site for a quote. My 2007 Silverado, and my wife's 2006 VW Pasaat. Got the quote for 560 every 6 months. Sounded good, so I called to activate the policy. Got down to 2 accidents my wife was involved both accidents, she was stopped at a red light and was rear-ended by another car. One guy didn't have insurance, wasn't his car, no license, etc. He got away scott free, we go stuck with the deductable, and our insurance got stuck with the $7900 repair bill.

Now the fun part. Because of these 2 accidents, that 'quote' went from $560 to $980 every six months!!! WHAT? How in the world can you charge me higher rates for an accident that wasn't our fault?!?! I called the insurance commissioner equivelent for the State of Florida, and he said that all insurance companies have the right to do this. I asked why? He had no answer. I know why. GREED! Some greedy senator took a bribe from some greedy insurance companies to pass this obscure law. What a bunch of crap. As if were not getting screwed enough by our own government! Allowing $3 plus per gallon of gas, while the Shell, Mobile and the others are recording record multi-billion dollar profits.

So even though we pay out the nose for insurance, and pay for those aholes that don't have insurance, we now have to pay because some idiot didn't know how to drive a car! We get hit, we get raised rates. Wow, that makes real sense. I dare some idiot insurance employee to rebut this complaint with a reasonable explanation! And, if insurance is mandatory, then why do people that cause an accident, that have no insurance, get to walk away without any jail time? What's the point of mandatory insurance if it's not enforced?

Company: Geico Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Nationwide
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