IC Systems
Class action lawsuit

Business & Finance

Let us meet up and prosecute IC Methods into oblivion. I'm going to be publishing a contact address focused on this trigger quickly. Additionally, I motivate people wrongfully harassed by this demonic, bad organization to inform the SEC, the Investments and Exchange Commission. They're the department of the federal government accountable for implementing the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Google the FDCPA and you ought to have the ability to discover a web-based backup of it fairly quickly. Remember you've privileges. You didn't signal a agreement having a debt collection company. Enable yourself with understanding and don't allow these scum bags intimidate you. You're a and deserve to become handled with regard.

Company: IC Systems
Country: USA
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Continental Finance, Master Card
Credit card unknown


NCO Financial Systems Inc
Engaging In Abusive Behavior To Collect A Debt

Academy collection - Cody Milo
Clear violation of Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

J.C. Chistensen & Associates, Inc
Fake Information that I owe a debt (Fair Debt Collection Act)

Consumer Report

N.M. E National Magazine Exchange
N.M.E. Company states they will give you dimond watches and free gas voucers, vacations etc. For buying magazines the more you buy the more they rip you off as soon as they get your cc. Then they always refus

Nonbe - failed to validate the debt and notify the credit of a dispute

NCO Financial Services
Ripoff NCO Group Regularly Violates Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act FDCPA

NCO Financial Systems Inc
They violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and commit extortion