American Express
Jacking up interest

Business & Finance

You just recently increased my interest rate to 15.25%, up from 9.99% when I originally opened my acct with you. What's up? Interest rates are dropping all over the place, and mortgage rates are under 5%. If anything you should be reducing interest rates, not increasing them. Your customer service supervisor refused to refer me to her manager or give me her manager's name, so it's pretty obvious there is absolutely no appeal process in place. It appears you just sit behind your desks and pull interest rate figures from the air, then cowardly insulate yourself from your victims?

Company: American Express
Country: USA
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American Express
Jacking up interest - Credit Card

American Express
Increased interest rate

American Express
Increasing Rates - Credit Card

Bank One, Chase
Ripoff Raised interest rates to over 29%

The Brick
The interest rate is atrocious and oh by the way they dont even talk about the interest rates when you apply for the card

Never response to one of my letters or email

Citi Dividen Platinum Select Card
Ripoff increased interest rates by 240% in one month rate is 27.99% Stuck with the interest rate which has more than doubled our monthly payments

Credit Card Center - Nextcard Payment Services
Increase Interest Rates late Payments and no person to talk to No response to written lette

Direct Merchants Bank Of Tulsa

American Express
Unfair raising of interest rate