Bank of America
Money stolen from my account

Business & Finance

Dec 5 I went to Bank of America to deposit $5,000.00 cash into my checking account. I wanted to be sure I had enough in my account to cover my expenses as there were approaching back to back snow storms starting on Dec. 7th and I knew I may be home bound for a while. I was very nervous about having that amount of cash on me and left the house without my reading glasses. I got to the bank and told the teller I did not have my glasses and after running 5 stacks ($1,000.00 each) of money through the machine, she took the numbers off my check in my wallet and gave me a receipt and I left. I was still on dial up at the time and unable to check my account online so checked my paper statements when they came in. The amount was not on the first statement and I figured it would be on the next one as the transactions had crossed. Since we have P.O. Boxes in our area, I don't pick up my mail regularly during bad weather which we got on Dec. 7th. When it didn't show up on the second statement, then I knew something was wrong. I searched for the receipt which I knew would be important but could not find my bankbook I noted the $5,000.00 being deposited but was between two dates of Dec. 5 and Dec. 18 (the only dates I could see I'd been in town) so I was unsure which date it was. I reported this to the bank manager the beginning of March, which he seemed to not believe. He wanted to know why it took me so long to report it and why I couldn't remember the exact date. I asked him to please check all dates between Dec 7th and the 18th in case I had been in to deposit it between those times. I described the gal who took my money and counted it and I knew she would remember me and the clips on the stacks of the money. He told me a crew of employees and the manager had been let go in Dec. So the person who waited on me was no longer there. I asked to review the security camera's from those days to prove I'd be in and he said they are on a loop so they no longer had that tape. Not only has he never returned my calls, but when I've called to see how the search is going, he tells me he's done all he can do and I'm out of luck if I can't produce the receipt. I was sent a letter from the Commit Problem Resolution Team and have talked to them twice and they could not find the money, stating it would be like finding a needle in the haystack, and it would be a lot of work for the manager to find, but if I was really nice to him, maybe he'd go through the trouble to look into all the paper deposits of that time. I finally went back over my Dec. Emails I'd sent to friends and found that it had been Dec. 5th the money was deposited. Still, the manger tells me nothing for that date either and there is nothing more he can do. I am angry that I've lost this money and that this manager feels since it was not on his watch, it's not his problem. I just want my money back!

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
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